Amy O’Daly (She/Her)
Practice Manager
Originally from the Great White North, Amy has been in Portland for 16 years. Amy was destined to work in veterinary medicine; as a toddler she would take the dead mice that her cat had killed, make beds in her strawberry shortcake tin and "nurse" them back to health. Amy's mom had to throw the dead mice away when she was napping and claim that Amy had done such a good job taking care of the mice that they became healthy and went on with their mice lives. After Amy found out (an inappropriate number of years into adulthood) the real story behind her beginnings to veterinary medicine, she decided that she was more suited to other careers within the industry, albeit with the passion of caring for animals. Amy shares her life with her cat, Memes and black Labrador Retriever, Burt.
Uri (He/Him)
Assistant Practice Manager
Uri is a Mexico born immigrant who was mostly raised in Southern California but moved to Portland as of winter 2016. Uri has been working in Vet med for close to 10 years but has been working for Kenton and Cathedral for 4 years. He has a passion for working with dogs and cats especially if they’re small lhasa apso’s and shih tzus. He had aspirations to become a veterinarian himself but due to unforeseen circumstances he was not able to complete his schooling. He has however moved up to become the assistant practice manager and one day he hopes of becoming the practice manager for a similar style of practice. On his off days, you can find him at your local skate park, snowboarding down Mt. Hood during winter, or on a hike at the coast.
Taylor (She/Her)
Inventory Specialist
Taylor hails from the Westside of Michigan. Her favorite things about the PNW include the beautiful hiking opportunities, wine country, and all the tasty bites you can find. She has a special place in her heart for bully breeds. Taylor will never miss the opportunity for a well-placed Lord Of The Rings reference or classic dad joke. She thinks about her American Staffordshire Terrier, Rudy every second of the day. Is he a dog, sea lion, or baby hippo? The world may never know.